new works / digital code & ceramic art
The new series of artworks are based on an experimental application I've been developing over recent years. Their digital anatomy relies on a personally drafted code that is materialized by the use of 3D printing technology. See more ...
new works / digital code & ceramic art
The new series of artworks are based on an experimental application I've been developing over recent years. Their digital anatomy relies on a personally drafted code that is materialized by the use of 3D printing technology. See more ...
digital code & ceramic art
kod cyfrowy & ceramika
new works / creative coding & art installation
nowe prace / kodowanie kreatywne & instalacja

cyberboros / multimedia installation cyberboros / instalacja multimedialna
ananke / loops
creative coding & algorithmic design
kodowanie kreatywne & projektowanie algorytmiczne

ananke/loop / multimedia installation ananke/loop / instalacja multimedialna

chrysallis / still frame from the process chrysallis / kadr z rejestracji procesu
coding & experimental applications
new works / algorithmic design
nowe prace / projektowanie algorytmiczne